Become A Cell Phone Power User With These Ideas
If you are not knowledgeable about a cell phone’s abilities, using them wisely or making the right purchase, you are missing out. In order to understand this topic, you need a good education. To begin learning, look at the tips below.
Don’t throw away your cell phone if liquid gets into it. The best thing to do would be to remove the battery and place the phone in a bowl of rice. Doing so soaks up excess moisture that may have seeped into your smartphone.
If you must call for information on a cellphone, you don’t need to pay huge charges for it. Just call 1-800-411-FREE instead. After an advertisement, you can then access regular information services.
If you currently own a smartphone, then you likely make regular use of it in a normal day. Be sure to restart your smartphone on a regular basis. Smartphones are pretty much little …