If you are not knowledgeable about a cell phone’s abilities, using them wisely or making the right purchase, you are missing out. In order to understand this topic, you need a good education. To begin learning, look at the tips below.
Don’t throw away your cell phone if liquid gets into it. The best thing to do would be to remove the battery and place the phone in a bowl of rice. Doing so soaks up excess moisture that may have seeped into your smartphone.
If you must call for information on a cellphone, you don’t need to pay huge charges for it. Just call 1-800-411-FREE instead. After an advertisement, you can then access regular information services.
If you currently own a smartphone, then you likely make regular use of it in a normal day. Be sure to restart your smartphone on a regular basis. Smartphones are pretty much little computers. You must restart them to keep them running their best. You should notice that there’s a big difference when you use your cell phone after you turn it off a couple of times each week.
You want to beware of those types of extended warranties. These added costs are typically unnecessary. If they are going to occur, problems with a cell phone are likely to show up in the first year while the basic warranty is still in effect. There’s also a good chance you will switch to a new phone by the time your extended warranty would be of any use.
Make sure that your smartphone is a necessity. Smartphones are quite expensive, but they do offer quite a bit for the money. The main issue is, a lot of people just require a phone that’s basic to make their phone calls. Buying a smart phone is expensive from the get-go, and then it costs a lot in monthly fees. This may not be a good choice for you.
If you are someone that’s always drawn to the same brand, consider trying out the other options out there. You may be comfortable with that screen layout or interface, but you should stay open-minded. Considering other brands can open your eyes to new functions and uses.
Don’t get a smartphone if you only talk on it. Smart phones are great for web surfing and apps, but they aren’t needed for those that just need a phone for talking. They are usually more expensive than standard phones, so try saving money if you juts plan to talk on it.
Avoid letting your battery run completely down before recharging it. Cell phone batteries need to be charged periodically. Draining them completely reduces the amount of charge they can carry. Charge your phone before the battery goes dead.
Play your games on your cell phone during the day for more excitement. Smartphones are able to utilize a lot of great graphics, so you’re able to play great games on the phone you have. Do not download too many games because this can use up too much of your phone’s memory.
Which apps come along with your cell phone? Most recent models of phones are capable of surfing the web and playing music. You can also access a calendar function on many of them. Comprehending these programs can save you a lot of time and money.
Make sure to take care of your cell phone. They may be expensive to replace or fix. Consider a screen protector to help prevent scratches. Buy a hard case, too.
Figure out how to access and use your phone’s calendar. It will help you keep your schedule up to date and organized. The phone can be set to alert you prior to an event so you’re prepared. Many people use this wonderful method to keep them on schedule while saving time and paper.
Data Plan
Use Wi-Fi connections rather than your data plan whenever you can to access video on your phone. This will reduce the data that you use up. Unless your data plan is unlimited, stick to WiFi.
If you are in an area where your phone will constantly be struggling to find a signal, turn it off or at least put it in flight mode. The cell phone loses a lot of battery when it tries to look for signal. Leave the search turned off until you reach an area where the signal will be good.
You don’t need to be related to get a family plan. People often are unaware and do not get the discount available to them. You can configure any sort of group into your “family” plan and save a lot of money. This is simple to do and the companies are not concerned about the various members on your plan.
Use WiFi instead of your data plan. This will help with your data if your plan is not unlimited. Find an app or website that lets you know where local hotspots are. If you can, work in the spots where you can get Wi-Fi in with what you do in your day-to-day life. Restaurants usually will offer this service.
When purchasing a cell phone, don’t get any options you do not need. Many cell phones have features that a lot of people don’t use. If you just want a basic phone, don’t get a phone that has a ton of features that aren’t going to get used.
If you own a Blackberry, make sure the data compresses automatically. This can make your memory last significantly longer. Your phone will perform much better if you have extra space.
With all of this terrific cell phone knowledge, you are ready for the next step. The tips here will turn your experience into a good one. You have done well, so now you should be able to better enjoy your phone.