Your iPhone can be a powerful tool for streamlining your life with all of its useful apps and features, provided you know how to use them. In order to enable your iPhone to ease your life rather than make it more stressful, continue reading.

Dry out your wet iPhone with uncooked white rice. Phones are commonly dropped in water from puddles or toilets. After wiping down the phone, place it into a bag that has been rice filled. Allow the phone to dry overnight or as long as possible.

While using your phone to browse the Internet, you may find it easier to do with a larger keypad. And it doesn’t have to be an external keyboard. From the Safari browser, rotate your phone sideways and tap on the address bar. You’ll have a bigger, easier-to-read keyboard instantly.

If you are accessing the web on you iPhone, do not worry about using the “.com” portion of the website address. All you need to do is include the main part, like Google, and miraculously the iPhone browser transports you to that site. This may seem like a small benefit, but it actually goes a long way in saving you time.

Do you get too many notifications? You can shut them off. Access the Settings menu, then select the Notifications button. Check “In Notification Center” to identify apps that are not currently of use. As an added bonus, this should significantly improve your battery life.

Your iPhone can also be used as a mobile storage device by downloading an easy to install app. With an app like this, you’ll be able to upload video, music, photo and text files to your iPhone. Then you have them available right on your phone, or you can connect and access them later on your computer.

Mistakes happen when typing on iPhones. Has your meaning been messed up by Auto Correct again? Giving your iPhone a swift rattle is a really simple way to fix this. Doing so undoes anything you have recently typed. Be aware that this feature is optional, and you will need to check in the Settings area to ensure that it’e enabled.

Picture taking is a common function that many iPhone owners use often. After a long photo shoot, though, sorting through the snapshots on the camera roll can be cumbersome. The iPhone has a built in album area that helps to easily organize your photos and makes them easy to locate. This can save you a lot of time when you are looking for a specific picture.

Your iPhone can be your calculator, too. It’s available in standard form if it’s held vertically, but can become a scientific calculator if it’s held horizontally.

Should a freeze occur with your iPhone, and it will not wake with a button push, a hard reset is probably needed. Hold down the button while you are pressing the Home key at the same time. Your phone will shut down, then restart if everything was able to reset properly.

Upgrade your operating system with the latest version. Because of the fact that iPhones are now almost equivalent to a laptop there are many things that can go wrong that need to be fixed. If your phone contains personal information or you access the Internet with it, then regular updating is necessary.

If you prefer hearing clicks every time you hit a key while texting, you can turn that feature on in your phone’s Sounds section. This can help you limit the number of mistakes you make when typing.

Don’t waste your valuable time typing in the .com URL extension while using Safari to browse the Internet. For example, if you want to visit, just type “Amazon” to get to the site.

You may well feel that your iPhone’s word suggestions cost you more time than they save. To end this feature, simply tap your iPhone screen to quit the suggestion box. This will keep you from having to click on the little “x” every time you want to dismiss a word.

You probably know that you can use your iPhone to create time-based reminders, like “Remind me to go to the post office at 3 P.M.” But did you also know you can set location specific reminders too? As an example, you are able to say, “I need to call the dentist when I get home.” Your iPhone can handle all kinds of reminders.

Scrolling back to the top part of any page that you visit while using the iPhone can seem like such a hassle. Fortunately, you do not need to. Tap the status bar to return to the top of the page. This also works for other screens that are long too (such as iTunes lists).

When typing with your iPhone, setting up word shortcuts can make things much more efficient. Add a shortcut by going to Settings, then General, Keyboard and add a shortcut. If you know you use a word or phrase commonly you can create a shortcut for it using certain abbreviations. When you start typing a word that’s been programmed, your phone will automatically fill it in for you.

Type quickly with the iPhone. When you reach the settings area, head to the “general” area, choose “keyboard” and input your own shortcuts. By this method to preprogram, words and phrases with many characters can be typed with just a few keys. You will not need to type it all in the future.

Social Media

Keep in constant contact with the people in your life using the iPhone on social media sites. You can update your friends very quick with Facebook and Twitter through your iPhone. You can also read all of your friends’ news and stay on top of trends using your favorite social media apps.

The iPhone is a very advanced device and it requires users to spend a little time getting accustomed with different features. You can use the suggestions and hints that you’ve just read through to make yourself a more efficient and satisfied iPhone user.
